Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!! 2009....whoooooo hooooo! I hope all of you back home had a wonderful New Year's Eve! I did. I went out with my cousin and had sushi for dinner. Then we went to TGIF for some drinks. After that, we watched fireworks launched off of Taipei 101! It was crazy...hahaha. I recorded it for all you to see. Hope you enjoy it!

...Actually it didn't here is a before picture. I'm working on the video!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I demand video of fireworks! I wish we had gone and seen fireworks... instead I got really drunk and insulted this guy's girlfriend, and almost got Rob in a fight (because I would have been on the ground in less than a second, and Rob would be left to fend for himself...)