Monday, December 1, 2008

Yesterday was my first day back to school. It's been a long time! There are a total of 5 people in my class. It's the smallest class that I have ever been in, but it makes sense. It will probably be really helpful to have so few people in a class. I'm in Level 1...whoo hoo...Haha. Class was pretty easy for me. We learned things that I learned in the past. The lesson consisted of tones, pronuciation, and numbers! I think that the first few weeks will be a breeze for me. When we start to do more reading and writing of characters, I think it will be much more challenging and more fun. Until then, I get to refresh my memory of the basics.

Other than that, I've been just doing some homework and watching crappy movies...hehe. Hopefully I'll do something fun sometime this week. I'll keep ya'll posted!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First to comment! Ha!

I miss language classes... they are always so much fun, except when they make you do work that is...