Sunday, December 7, 2008

The first week of school is done. And so is the weekend. I had pretty nice weekend. Both days were really eventful. Saturday morning I got up early to go with my Aunt to a traditional Taiwan market. Think of a farmers market except with more than just veggies. On the way there she bought me breakfast. A dan-bing....mmmmmmm....hahahaha. For all you at home, that's basically a thin tortilla egg burrito with some soy sauce. It's quite yummy. Then when we got there it was crazy. I don't remember seeing this kind of thing before. There were a bunch of vendors selling anything from clothes and jewelry to fresh chicken (I'm talking about really fresh chicken if you know what I mean). All of it was fun to experience. Now I know where I can go shopping to get some fresh meats and veggies. Then after the market, I went back to my Aunt's house and she cooked noodles for lunch with all the fresh ingredients she just got. We had lunch...then she told me to go home and rest because we were gonna go out again that night. So I did what I was told. Three hours later we were off again. I met up with two of my cousins and my Aunt and we went to Shi-Da. There we had random things for dinner. I had an Oyster and Egg omelet thing and a piece of fried chicken. Then we got some yummy sweet bread things. It was fun!

Sunday...also a busy day. I met my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins again and we went to Zhong-Li to visit my other Aunt. I got to see my cousin's kids. They love Naruto just as much as I do. Hahaha! I'm such a kid! I spent about 4 hours hanging out there and talking to them. It was fun. After that I went to Hukou and had dinner.

It was a really busy weekend with family. But I can't complain. I have a great family! it's Monday. Time to prepare for class!


Vinnie Burns said...

oazhen = the oyster cakes

I'm not a big fan. Did you like them?

Jessica Burns said...

Oazhen is so yummy!

Unknown said...

I with the Carlsbad farmers' market was that cool...