Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!! 2009....whoooooo hooooo! I hope all of you back home had a wonderful New Year's Eve! I did. I went out with my cousin and had sushi for dinner. Then we went to TGIF for some drinks. After that, we watched fireworks launched off of Taipei 101! It was crazy...hahaha. I recorded it for all you to see. Hope you enjoy it!

...Actually it didn't here is a before picture. I'm working on the video!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hey all you guys out there! Everyone is all spread out! I hope you guys all had a nice Christmas! I did...going to class and studying for a test! Hahaha. Actually it was a fun day. Class wasn't that bad and I studied for my test the day before anyways. Half way through class...we all took a break and walked to Starbucks. Instead I had my Christmas yesterday at my friends house. I went to TianMu to my Thai friends house. She made us some really yummy...but! I am gonna learn how to make it for all you guys back at home! Then after lunch, we hung out and watched a movie on tv. At the end of our little party, we played the white elephant game. I got a hello kitty pen and pencil. Other than that, I didn't do too much this week. This coming week I'm gonna go to Taipei 101 for the New Year countdown. There will be some fireworks...some crazy people around...and definitely some booze! Hopefully I can get some nice pictures for you all to see! Well...back to whatever it was that I was doing... (playing a computer game...hehe).

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I didn't get my Christmas tree this year...but, I did get to help my friend decorate hers! Whoo hoo. Hahaha. My cousin and friends got together at one of my other friend's house to decorate her tree. Then we sat around and talked and snacked on some yummy food. She made a really yummy salsa like dish to go with chips. It was really good. I plan on getting the recipe from her! I also went out to buy a coat. Since it is winter time. That was about it yesterday. After hanging out, we went home.

This will be my first time away from home on Christmas. In fact, I don't even get a break! I have class tomorrow. On Christmas! It's ok, my teacher is letting us off earlier than normal. So that's nice. Then my friends and I are thinking about doing a white elephant party on Friday. Other than that, not much going on. I had a huge Christmas party with my family last weekend...which i didn't get the pictures of yet (so y'all have to wait for that post). to bed! Maybe I'll do something fun tomorrow...and my post will be more interesting!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Yay Friday! Fridays are always so fun because you don't have class the next day. I finally got together with my friends from class and we went out. It was soooooo much fun! I spoke so much chinese too! I went out to dinner to this restaurant that is famous for their Xiao long bao. It was really cheap and yummy too! We got a total of 8 dishes for the 4 of us. The total bill with tip came out to 1,045 NT$ which translates approximately to $35 US. It's so cheap. I only had to pay about $8. And then we went to Starbucks because one of our friends decided to treat us all to coffee. That was so nice of him. So we all sat in Starbucks and drank our coffee's and chatted for about 45 minutes or so. One of my friends is a Monk from Nepal. He is the one that treated us to the coffee. He is the only one of the four of us that cannot speak english. I think that it is fun to talk to him because i'm forced to use the chinese i've learned in class to communicate with him. His chinese is pretty good. The only reason he is in my class is because he cannot read and write. The other two people are from Japan and Malaysia. They are fun too! Then after coffee we randomly decided to go out to drink. So the Monk had to say goodnight (because that's a big no no for him) and the three of us went out. It was fun! I had two...that's right TWO whole beers all by myself...hahhaha! Since we ate so much and then had coffee, we were all too full to drink a lot so we just drank a little and hung out. We knew that we didn't want to have too much because it was getting late, so we went to TGI Fridays. We all decided to go out next week too. Whoo hooo! The plan is to go to a yakatori place. It's a japanese bbq place. On Friday nights, there is a 50% off all beer special. So I guess we have to go check it out...hahaha. Anyways....I had a lot of fun tonight. I hope you guys enjoy my pictures!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

If you know me, then you know I love to bake! I finally did some baking this week. whoo hoo! I had to buy an oven from a place called RT-Mart. It looks like a toaster oven with a microwave door handle. As long as it worked, I was happy to get it (which it did). I tested it out this week by baking some banana bread...mmmm. It turned out quite yummy. I gave half of it to my Aunt. Hope she liked it! Anyways, it was exciting to actually bake again. This means that the oven really is an oven and not a microwave! hahaha. I was a little unsure at first because it didn't look like this device was cut out for baking...if you know what mean. So now that I know I am good to go...I have decided to do some more baking. Apple pie! you are next!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ughhh....I hate being sick! So as you've noticed, I haven't been posting anything in my blog lately. It's because I've been sick all week! And I'm still sick! The picture of the buildings is the view I have from my place. It's the only thing I've been looking at this week. I tried to cure myself with some Robitussin I got from Costco...but that only helped a little. Then on Saturday my Aunt took me to the doctor since I wasn't really feeling that much better. My mom called before I left and she thought I was a guy! That's how icky I sounded! Anyways, I went to the doctor's and he gave me some medicine...we'll see if I get better soon. Like I said before, I didn't do anything this weekend because I was sick...but I did catch up on my Anime watching...whoo hoo! And I got some Mario playing in. That was fun! Besides that...I did some homework and I ate porridge for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yum! I guess it wasn't all bad. I actually got to stay home and chill by myself. That's always nice every once in a while. Well...time to have lunch and down some more pills. Adios!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The first week of school is done. And so is the weekend. I had pretty nice weekend. Both days were really eventful. Saturday morning I got up early to go with my Aunt to a traditional Taiwan market. Think of a farmers market except with more than just veggies. On the way there she bought me breakfast. A dan-bing....mmmmmmm....hahahaha. For all you at home, that's basically a thin tortilla egg burrito with some soy sauce. It's quite yummy. Then when we got there it was crazy. I don't remember seeing this kind of thing before. There were a bunch of vendors selling anything from clothes and jewelry to fresh chicken (I'm talking about really fresh chicken if you know what I mean). All of it was fun to experience. Now I know where I can go shopping to get some fresh meats and veggies. Then after the market, I went back to my Aunt's house and she cooked noodles for lunch with all the fresh ingredients she just got. We had lunch...then she told me to go home and rest because we were gonna go out again that night. So I did what I was told. Three hours later we were off again. I met up with two of my cousins and my Aunt and we went to Shi-Da. There we had random things for dinner. I had an Oyster and Egg omelet thing and a piece of fried chicken. Then we got some yummy sweet bread things. It was fun!

Sunday...also a busy day. I met my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins again and we went to Zhong-Li to visit my other Aunt. I got to see my cousin's kids. They love Naruto just as much as I do. Hahaha! I'm such a kid! I spent about 4 hours hanging out there and talking to them. It was fun. After that I went to Hukou and had dinner.

It was a really busy weekend with family. But I can't complain. I have a great family! it's Monday. Time to prepare for class!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Whoo hoo...Street food! Hahaha. After class today I went to Gong Guan just to hang out and walk around. I decided that I should try and order some food...just for fun. So while I was walking down one of the alleys...I saw some one eating this Chinese bread sandwich thingy...and I was like, "that looks good! I want one of those". I started to look for it. I saw a place that had a nice big line. And it was the place! So I got in line and was do I order??? Since I can't read yet...and I had no idea what these sandwich thingys were called, I asked the vendor to give me his favorite one...Hahaha! He understood me! No questions or funny looks! I guess he could tell I was a foreigner. And as I had predicted, it was delicious. It was this chinese steamed bread with pork, parsley, onion, and a peanut topping. Mmmmmmmm!

Oh yeah and here is a picture of my school and my place. The closest building is where my class is. The further building is where my apartment is. I really live about 2 minutes away! All I have to do is cross the's so great! So that about covers what I did today. I went to school and then I went out to eat. Now I have to do some homework!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Yesterday was my first day back to school. It's been a long time! There are a total of 5 people in my class. It's the smallest class that I have ever been in, but it makes sense. It will probably be really helpful to have so few people in a class. I'm in Level 1...whoo hoo...Haha. Class was pretty easy for me. We learned things that I learned in the past. The lesson consisted of tones, pronuciation, and numbers! I think that the first few weeks will be a breeze for me. When we start to do more reading and writing of characters, I think it will be much more challenging and more fun. Until then, I get to refresh my memory of the basics.

Other than that, I've been just doing some homework and watching crappy movies...hehe. Hopefully I'll do something fun sometime this week. I'll keep ya'll posted!