Sunday, February 8, 2009

So the last week and half were really not that fun. I got sick again. I sounded like a man! But despite me being sick and all...I did do a few things. Yesterday was the first day I felt really good. I wasn't constantly blowing my nose and I decided to go out and have some fun. I went to an international book fair! Hahaha! I went to see if they had anything from the US. When I got there, I found out there was a whole section for anime...whoo! I went to check out the "American" section. It was kinda lame. All they had were books that were made into movies. And they were the recent movies too, like Sex and the City, Devil Wears Prada, Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter books. I was kinda disappointed. I was hoping for a huge selection. Oh well. But then I got to go to the Anime Hall. Hahahaha! It was crazy in there. It was like a Taiwan Comic-con. There were people dressed up and huge booths with lines for just getting in the area to look at the merchandise. I of course stood in one of the lines just so I could check it out. And I couldn't resist getting a little something from one of my favorite animes! I looked around to see what else they had in the Hall, but there were just too many people and too many things that I didn't know. So I decided to leave.

Since I had been out all day, I decided to go out to Friday's. I had to get a good ole cheeseburger! It was excellent! Yum American goodness. It was a pretty long day, so after dinner I headed home. Instead of going to bed or anything like that, I watched one of my new favorite shows, Reaper! If you guys haven't seen it, check it out. You might like it. It's a comedy about the devil. After that, I did have to call it a day. Tomorrow I'm going to the Taipei Lantern Festival. I hope to get plenty of pictures of that for y'all to see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can get Reaper episodes online at Just thought I would share!