Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I've been living in Taiwan for a little over 8 months now and I got to thinking...I have been here for so long, but I haven't really shown any one where I've spent most of my days. So I thought it would be fun for me to write a little bit about where I live and about my school, National Taiwan University. So for anyone who doesn't know, I've lived in Taipei before. I was born here and I use to live about a 2 min walk from where I currently live now. I live in an apartment on the 20th floor of 24 floors. I have a nice view when it isn't raining, but it's not nearly as nice as living in San Diego. The benefit of this place though, is that it is super convenient. My school is literally right across the street from my apartment...and what's better is that my classroom is in the first building when you walk into campus. Can't really complain about that. I'm sure I've told you guys all about this before so let me get to what I really want to talk about.

Everyday I walk through this campus. I have to either walk to work, walk to the MRT station (subway), or just walk to the other side of campus. Every time I walk through campus, I think about how pretty it is. I didn't think about it that much before because during winter, I didn't feel like going out. But now that it's almost fall, I can see what I was missing. This campus is full of old buildings...some nice and some...well not so nice. Those that are nice are really nice in the terms of it's architecture. There are a lot of buildings that have a Japanese influence to them. So it's kinda fun because it stands out. Also, there are so many trees here that sometimes it's just nice to stroll (if the weather isn't a scorching 100 degrees!). I tend to take the same paths every time I have somewhere specific to go. So I decided one day to take a few pictures so that you guys could see what the campus looks like.

Whenever I go to the gym, I walk by a pond. Some days it looks really nice, some days not so much. Luckily I got a picture of it on one of it's better days. And there are just so many little things that are fun to look at too. This pond has fish, turtles and ducks. Growing next to this pond is a Lian-wu tree. One of my favorite fruits here in Taiwan. So as you can see, it's kind of a fun place to be. If only the weather wasn't blazing hot, I would enjoy it more.

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