Overall, It was a really fun trip. We were there for 4 days and 3 nights...but counting all the traveling time...it was really like two and a half days. We got a lot in and had loads of fun. I'm glad I went!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Overall, It was a really fun trip. We were there for 4 days and 3 nights...but counting all the traveling time...it was really like two and a half days. We got a lot in and had loads of fun. I'm glad I went!
Monday, August 17, 2009
If you know me...or think you know me, then you know that I'm fascinated with entomology. So interestingly enough, since i've been here in Taiwan, I'm always looking around to see what kind of funky insect is around me that i've never seen before. So I'm devoting this blog to all the weird insects i've seen so far! The first picture on the left is from my trip to Hua Lian. This is a longhorn beetle. It was the length of my hand! This is the first time I've seen one alive...hehe.
This next one on the right is a insect I saw when I went to Yeliu. I think this is a six spotted tiger beetle. I'm not 100%, but I think this is a pretty cool looking bug. I have this random...or some might say "unique" ability to find these hidden insects. I think it's just that I'm always looking for them...hehe. But sometimes, the insects find me! This next picture is of another beetle. I didn't have to go very far for this one. I was doing homework
one day and it just landed on my laptop. I think this is a milkweed bug. It looks like some that i've seen at home. If it isn't a milkweed bug, then all I know is that it is in the Lygaeidae family. Yup...that expensive Cal Poly education for an accounting degree... I remembered all the important stuff didn't I.
Well this next one is an insect that's been so noisy these last few months. Every where on campus were these scary looking insects. This is the first time i've seen a cicada this big alive. The ones back in San Diego are so puny in comparison. Well this will conclude my little excerpt on insects i've seen so far. I've seen a lot more but I guess four is enough for now. If any of you care and want to see more, I'll post another blog with a few other creepy crawlers. Until then...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009