Friday, March 20, 2009

Mmmmm...hamburger, fries, and beer. The best part is that it's not McDonald's! So I went out with a bunch of friends last night to this burger joint in Shida called KGB aka kiwi gourmet burgers. This burger place is like a burger place you'd find in New Zealand. They have a bunch of New Zealand beers and local beers, they import their meat from there, and I guess the "gourmet" combinations are similar to those that are popular in New Zealand. Overall, it was really yummy. I think I spent about five hours just hanging out there and talking with my friends. It was the first place i've been to that probably had more foreigners than taiwaners. The next burger they want to add to the menu is a lamb burger....i guess i'll have to go back and check it out...haha.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Whoo! Happy St. Patty's day! I rarely go out and drink, but I thought that I really didn't have an excuse not to go out and do a little drinking tonight. So I did. I was hoping people would celebrate a little bit more, but it is Taiwan... not really the place you'd find a bunch of drunken Irish rovers..hehe. The only people wearing green besides myself were those who happened on wearing green. That was really about it. But that didn't deter me from getting my St. Patty's day on! I had some beer... and it was quite refreshing. I was bummed that most of my classmates didn't want to join me tonight. So what if we have a test tomorrow! You can study tomorrow! There's always time for some pi-jiu!

Monday, March 16, 2009

So nothing has really happened these last two weeks. All I've been doing is going to class and learning some more Chinese. The fun thing is that I have two new students in my class. One guy from Japan and one guy from Germany. It's always interesting to see if the former classmates interact with the new classmates. I think that I'm really lucky because it turns out that we all get along really well. In fact, a few of us went out this weekend. It was fun getting back into the swing of things. Me, Kaori, Ronald, Patrick (my German classmate) and Patrick's friend went to Chili's Friday night...of all places. Then the next day I met up with Kaori and Ronald for lunch. Fun stuff... hehe.

But like I said nothing new so far. This week will mark my 4 months of being here in Taiwan. I can finally apply for residency and insurance. At least that'll give me some stuff to do...whooo! Except that I do plan on going out and getting a beer tomorrow. Can't miss out on St. Patty's day! So I hope you all have a good St. Patty's day! And I'll let you know how mine went!