Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hmmm.....I realized it's been a while since I've posted I should get right to it! This week has been a really busy week. I had a midterm on Friday and I had to go to the immigration office to extend my Visa. Then I had a bunch of homework on top of that. But overall, I think everything went well. I don't have much to tell, but after next week I should. The only fun thing I did this week was go to Yakiniku on Monday (that's Japanese BBQ for all you who don't know). It was pretty fun. I got to try something I never had before. I had tongue . Mmmmmm...hahaha. It was actually pretty good. It was fun going with my Japanese friend and having her order everything. I also went with my other friend. I also ate pig feet...hahaha. All of these are normal staples here. I think i'm the only one who thought it was weird. Anyways, I have one more week of school and then I have a two week break for Chinese New Year. I think I'm going to travel to South Taiwan and check it out there. And I've also decided to go to some other touristy places for fun too. So hopefully I do get out there and do some fun stuff. Then I can post a bunch of pictures! :-) Well... I gotta go. Time to go to Hukou!


Unknown said...

It sounds like you are having a great time! I'm excited that I caught up before an exciting touristy trip with lots of pictures! I have bookmarked your blog, and expect to keep up more, so I expect some exciting pictures! Do you have a flickr?

Unknown said...

I just realized how horribly repetitive my last post was. Luckily, I'm not been graded on my writing...

Unknown said...

Happy new year Jess! Reading your blog is making me hungry... lol!

vinbiezel said...

you're turning into me. where are the updates??