So I was watching TV and a commercial came on for an online game. It was hilarious...I had to share it! So go check it out!
The guy yells out "I want a girlfriend!". And the rest you can figure out...hahaha!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Hmmm.....I realized it's been a while since I've posted I should get right to it! This week has been a really busy week. I had a midterm on Friday and I had to go to the immigration office to extend my Visa. Then I had a bunch of homework on top of that. But overall, I think everything went well. I don't have much to tell, but after next week I should. The only fun thing I d
id this week was go to Yakiniku on Monday (that's Japanese BBQ for all you who don't know). It was pretty fun. I got to try something I never had before. I had tongue . Mmmmmm...hahaha. It was actually pretty good. It was fun going with my Japanese friend and having her order everything. I also went with my other friend. I also ate pig feet...hahaha. All of these are normal staples here. I think i'm the only one who thought it was weird. Anyways, I have one more week of school and then I have a two week break for Chinese New Year. I think I'm going to travel to South Taiwan and check it out there. And I've also decided to go to some other touristy places for fun too. So hopefully I do get out there and do some fun stuff. Then I can post a bunch of pictures! :-) Well... I gotta go. Time to go to Hukou!
Friday, January 2, 2009 I can't post a video because my Internet won't let me. I'll find a place with a better connection! Instead, I'll leave you with a few pictures. Also, I'll tell you what I did on t
he January 1, 2009. Hmmm...well, I didn't do too much since I stayed up so late the night before. I went to TGIF the night before just so I could get a fruity drink before the festivities. It was quite yummy. I think this place is becoming my "bar" of choice because I can actually read the menu. ;-) After the fireworks were over, I walked home and then stayed up and watched a movie. Then passed out around 3ish. The next day... I think I woke up around 12ish. I hadn't planned on doing much, but since I had the day off, I decided to go out to a night market. I went with 2 of my cousins to Shilin night market. It was fun. I bought 2 shirts from a place called's suspiciously similar to the GAP. Haha! Seriously! The store title is exactly like the Gap, but it has Net in the blue
box with white letters. Anyways, I got some clothes there really cheap. It was like 400 NT (which is roughly $15 or so). I love sales! While I was at the night market I also played some games. I won 2 small stuffed animals...well actually they are more like stuffed vegetables. I can't get enough of these games. I only go to this night market just so i can play these games...hahaha. And the other thing I did was try the one food that I hadn't had yet in Taiwan...STINKY TOFU!!!!
AHHHHH....hahaha. actually it was pretty tasty. I got it barbecued. I was told fried is better, but i figure they taste about the same...and definitely smell just as bad. Then my cousins decided to get "ji pie" haha aka "fried chicken". And I think that was all for that night. I had to get home to study for a that's how my first day of 2009 went down. I hope you all enjoyed your day off too!!!
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